Green-IT is not a problem, it’s a solution! MISSION / VISION
We believe that Green-IT can be a solution to tackle the global warming and scarcity of energy and raw material issues. Even if Green-IT might represent to some a huge change or seems to cost more than the advantages it might bring back, these are false idea and more than this, it worth it!
The Green challenge...
In a world where climate change is becoming a key concern, private and public companies are increasingly aware that they have to take up their responsibility.
This also applies to IT departments. Up till now, IT has been perceived as being 'clean'. With the increased attention for ecological concerns however, management has come to realize that IT is not so environmentally friendly after all. The pressure to become more and more environmentally friendly will have a major impact on IT departments, forcing them to re-think the way ICT is managed and governed.
Nowadays, most Green-IT initiatives are only taken at the operational level. They often have no clear objectives, are individual in nature and are not aligned with the overall environmental plan of the organization.
The green answer...
ICT can be used as a boost to reduce the CO2 footprint (low carbon economy) and have a lot more to offer in term of greening an organization.
For many people, Green-IT still only means data center optimization; but even if greening the data centers is an urgent need for many organizations, Green-IT encompasses far more areas. It also concerns areas like office automation optimization, end-user practices, IT procurement, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)…
IT departments have started to realize that a dramatic decrease of energy usage and hence, the associated cost, can be achieved by restructuring the ICT infrastructure via virtualization or centralization. Implementing technical measures is however just part of the solution. It also needs to be managed and governed.
Hence, the impact of Green-IT at a higher i.e. tactic and strategic level has to be taken into consideration.
Greening the IT infrastructure is a good first step to a greener organization and is crucial to trigger and nurture a global green strategy through the whole company.
Green-ict @ CIO-Club